Ginny Wolf

Sep 14, 20182 min

Warrior Woman Queen

Mothers, Lovers, Sisters, Daughters, Friends, we are all of these things at some point in our lives. Above all else we are beautiful.

Go out in the woods, go out. If you don't go out in the woods nothing will ever happen and your life will never begin. ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Being in the business of adornment a large percentage of my clients are women. They are strong, resilient, intelligent women. I'm awestruck by them most days. Feeling blessed all days.

She is free in her wildness,she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules and customs. Time for her isnt something to fight against. Her life flows clean, with passion , like fresh water. ~ Roman Payne

She made broken look beautiful

and strong look invincible.

She walked with the Universe

on her shoulders and made it

look like a pair of wings.~Ariana Dancu

The season is slowly changing. I love this time of year in the mountains. Cold mornings and warm days. The leaves are slowly changing from green to golden. I've been thinking a lot about my younger years in the Sierras. This place reminds me of Tahoe in the early 80's.

Its kind of bitter sweet, these memories. Most of the people I think about are gone to the other side or I just don't get to see them anymore. Life takes you down different paths.

I suppose that's what life is a mixture of sweet and bittersweet.

I'm getting ready for a couple of shows this fall. The first is in October over in Pierre ,South Dakota. The First Ladies Artist Showcase. The second in November is Held at the Dahl Art Center in Rapid City. I'll have more info about these two later in the season. I will also be open here at Cheyenne Crossing through Christmas.

I'll be loading up the website store as well.

Have a great week and please check out the shop for new pieces! Ill leave you with some music. Food for the spirit.

Mary ~ Patty Griffin & Natalie Maines

One More for all my biker girls out there!

Unknown Legend ~ Neil Young

Blessings my beauties!

#FirstLadiesArtShowcase #NeilYoung #PattyGriffin #HandMadeJewelry #DahlArtCenter
