Ginny Wolf

Apr 14, 20192 min


Oh yes , spring time in the mountains. I remember now. We had a bit of a storm last week. 2 feet of snow at our house in Lead. Just a little reminder of who's boss. Mama nature having a little laugh.

I don't mind, still getting inventory ready for the season. Its coming fast. The snow will be gone and everyone will start coming back to the hills. I'll see my summer friends again!

I've managed to stay busy between the new leathers, jewelry and hats. If I make too much more I will need a bigger space!

Lots of special orders these days as well.

The Black Hills have been good to me and I am always grateful! In a couple weeks I will be bringing out all of the leathers I've been working on these past few months. Very excited to see what people think!

Have also been adding to the website shop for those of you who can't make it to South Dakota to see me. I don't think I'll be doing many shows. I miss the people I've met along the years but have to say I don't miss the drama of setting up in the elements! Its so nice to just shut my door at night.Im spoiled these days!

The other day I was asked to do a talk about the work and my life in general. I have never done any public speaking and to be honest it terrifies me! But I figured it out and it went well. I spoke about shows and what artists go through to do the shows. I think up until then I had thought about trying a few here and there but after going through it in my head for this talk I realized Hell No! Ha! Its so much better creatively to stay home and work. For me anyways. Its a luxury that I am very thankful for.

Last night I got home and was watching TV I found this great local program. Its called The White Wall Sessions.Great talent. I hope you enjoy!

If you would like to do a bit of shopping please go to my shop page on You can also find me at Cheyenne Crossing or Scott Jacobs Studio in Deadwood. Have a great week my friends.

#leathers #jewelry #whitewallsessions
