Ginny Wolf

May 3, 20203 min


Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn. ~ John Muir

I've been back in the Black Hills for a week now and can't stop being grateful. It's just starting to become spring here. The snow is melting fast. The sap is starting to run in the trees. Pussy willows are blooming.

I've been getting the shop ready to open. Unpacking months of work. Cheyenne Crossing will be opening up for Mothers Day weekend. We will follow all the CDC guidelines to keep people safe.

My shop is packed full! I have lots of hand stitched leather garments, bags, vintage hats, Beautiful cards from Moth & Myth, Shawls, baskets, and of course jewelry. Lots and lots of jewelry. We'll be open Thursday thru Sunday for now, the same as the restaurant.

It was great spending the winter in the Southwest. Seeing all my friends and family. I will always be grateful for the years spent in New Mexico. Still my heart is in the mountains. I missed these hills so much. I can't wait to start my new obsession, foraging for wild edibles and plant medicine.I am ordering bottles and supplies to start Bella Blue Botanicals. Some ingredients will be wild harvested from these beautiful mountains. There are so many things I want to do, I'm going to have to stop sleeping.....

It was quite a winter here. The snow fall was record breaking. You can tell by how full the rivers and streams are. We went to see the falls in Spearfish Canyon and they were just shooting out like Niagra Falls! Even little Hanna creek is a raging. The forest is very happy, and so am I.

I'm still singing my prayers every morning. Bella has started to sit and meditate with me. I have never seen a happier dog. When she realized we were home she was overjoyed. Frolicking I swear! She's been swimming everyday and watching deer TV from our motor home.

My website is stocked full right now with lots of beautiful treasures. Please be sure to check the shop out at Also if you enjoy these posts subscribe so you don't miss any of my ramblings! Ill leave you with a couple of videos. The first is a new one from Heilung. Its called Norupo.

I was blessed to see the Monarch swarm in Santa Cruz years ago. Monarchs have always been a favorite of mine. My mother loved them as well. She always said when she died she would go to the 5th star on the right and live in the butterfly tree. When she died I had this tattoed on my shoulder in her honor.

Here's a great video about monarchs.


OK one more and I promise I'll stop..... Love this woman. Michal Elia Kamal. I have no idea what she is saying but this song makes me cry every time. In a good way. Its called Hinech Yafa.

Well that's it for this time. Thank you for all the support these past years. Please know that you are all so very important to me and are in my morning prayers. Each and every one of you! Sending you love and light.
