Ginny Wolf

Oct 3, 20204 min

Four Seasons Wolf Box

After much planning my first four seasons wolf box is ready. Its been a really fun project. These carefully curated boxes will celebrate a different season. The first is in celebration of All Saints Day, Dia De Los Muertos and All Hallows Eve.

Each box will have a beautiful hand made bouquet of Black Hills wild flowers. My friend Bryan and I collected flowers all summer, then another friend Margo helped me make the bouquets. It was a lot of fun! There is also a hand made basket, Day of the dead treasure pouch, a beautiful lilac glass candle holder with candle, a small bottle of my body balm, a chunk of either raw amethyst or chrysocolla, a beautiful fall colors card by Deb Zimmerman, A unique pair of hand made Ginny Wolf earrings and a hand made pendulum made by multi media New Mexico artist Shannon Curry.

Every season will be a different box. I am going to try and highlight not only my own work but also other artists and crafts people. Spread the love!

I have 15 boxes available for sale at 90.00 which includes shipping. I didn't want to make too many as I don't know how it will go. I'll have these posted on my website shop. If your interested in one please don't procrastinate as when these are gone that will be it for this first box. They will be shipping out around the third week of October.

I have already planned on 60 boxes for Winter Solstice. Because this is new for me I haven't quite figured out how many to make each season. A subscription box would be great. Let me know if this is something everyone would enjoy. A discount on the boxes if you get a year subscription. Im always open to suggestions!

Years ago I started to think about where our holidays come from, why we celebrate certain things. It happened to be around Halloween when I started to research. All Hallows eve was originally the celebration of the harvest and also a time when the veil between the worlds of the dead and the living were the thinnest. Country folk would have big bon fires , dress up and give out treats to appease or honor the dead.

Day of the Dead or Dia De Los Muertos is celebrated in Mexico as well as the Southwest. It is a time to honor those who have passed on by creating alters or Ofrendas, cleaning grave sites, having parades and remembering those who have passed on. I love this tradition. This was an ofrenda I made in New Mexico a few years back. You can make one at home. A simple version is posting photos of loved ones surrounded by items they loved. Light a candle and revisit all the beautiful times you had together.

A man named José Guadalupe Prosada created a print of a figure called La Calavera Catrina ("The Elegant Skull"). The image depicted a woman with a skull for a face and was originally made to mock the Mexican upper-class female who was adopting European traditions. It is now called 'sugar skull' and has become the most familiar symbol of the Day of the Dead. Individuals paint their faces as calacas and calaveras (skeletons and skulls) and many dress up as Catrina.

This photo was a few years ago. I can't believe I talked Andy into doing this! Ha! It was a blast.

So what else is going on in my little corner of the world? We bought a house! I told Shannon one day the we call it the Crows nest because we are perched on the side of a mountain. She painted this beautiful painting! It couldn't be more perfect! I love you with all my heart Shannon Curry!

We also have a new addition to our family. This is Willie Nelson. The red headed stranger of course. He is the sweetest boy ever. Bella is slowly getting used to him. Every morning I would ask the universe to send me a kitty that was in need of a home and one day my friend Shelly called and said I have this kitty that showed up on my doorstep! As the Dude says, "The Universe Provides".

The season is slowly winding down. Its beautiful outside, warm days and cool nights. I've been trying to get caught up from an amazing summer. Last winter I was busy in production mode until the virus hit..... Then I stopped making, thinking, what am I going to do with all this stuff if no one is traveling! Well the exact opposite happened. It was the busiest season I've had in many years! I am so very grateful and totally tired at the same time.

I will be loading up the website shop with lots of wonderful treasures for this up coming holiday season.

I won't have much in leather for a bit. That's more of my winter project. I bought an antique leather sewing machine last summer so am excited at the new possibilities. Pants, jackets, saddle bags, tool bags....

Not enough hours in the day!

Here are some fun videos in celebration of the season. Blessing to you all. I am so very grateful to everyone who has supported me all these years! Please be sure to check out the website shop at

