Ginny Wolf

Nov 14, 20212 min

Heart Family

Its been a rough couple weeks.This past week I lost two good friends. One to covid, one to cancer. Both way too young to leave this planet. Both I considered part of my heart family. I try very hard to stay positive. Sometimes its a challenge in this world we are living in. Both of these beautiful beings loved life and lived it to the fullest. They were mentors to me in their own unique ways and I will carry them in my heart always.

Being creative has always been a healing balm for me and that hasn't changed. I've been loading up my website these past weeks, preparing for the holidays. With all the talk of shortages in stores the news never talks about buying locally made arts and crafts. Supporting the arts and American made products. Now is the perfect time. Purchasing things from artists not only has more meaning, your helping support your community instead of some corporation!

Fall has come slowly this year. Andy was out riding his motorcycle just last week and its been threatening snow today. Mother earth is on a roller coaster ride these days. I love walking on these cold mornings. Its my therapy and sanity. Waylon and Bella pretty much demand their walks in the morning. Its so much fun to watch them frolick. Yes they really do frolick! Waylon does this thing where he bounces straight up like he's on a pogo stick. Its pretty amazing since he weighs 78 pounds.

Iv'e really been enjoying doing leather work again. Just focusing on bags this year has really taken the pressure off. I'm thinking about trying my hand at some motorcycle tool bags as well. Andy made one last year that was really nice. Maybe I can talk him into helping me! Get a professional opinion.

I found this vintage horsehair tassel at a flea market in Arizona a couple years ago. Ive been carrying it around ever since waiting for inspiration. It looks great on this buffalo bag.

As usual if you see anything of interest on my blog please go to the website shop for more details. I keep adding work weekly so you'll have lots of choices for the holiday season. Im going to leave you with a song for my heart brother. Fare Thee Well Buddy.

Blessing to you and yours. Be sure to tell the people you love how much they mean to you everyday. OXO
