Ginny Wolf

Jul 13, 20213 min


Geez, I just saw that my last blog post was in April. What a wild spring and summer its been. Its like someone opened the gates and its been a flood of people ever since. Not that I'm complaining, just trying to keep up.

I apologize for the state of my website shop. I haven't been able to post new work in awhile. I make it with every intention to take pictures for the shop but it sells before I can. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being so blessed. I wake up in the morning look out my window and think of how lucky I am to have this life.

Waylon is growing more each day. His little brain is always working. Bella has decided that he is worthy of her time these days. She's not mad at me anymore for bringing this creature into her house. Even Willie is enjoying wrestling matches with Waylon. I love all three so very much. This morning on our walk I started to pick raspberries and Waylon decided it was a good idea. He ate them right off the bush. I swear this puppy will eat just about anything, except lemons and celery, not to keen on those.

Not doing a whole lot of leather right now. I bought an antique industrial sewing machine last year but haven't had time to play with it. I've realized as much as I love the process of hand stitching its just not economically viable. My project this winter will be to see if I can shave off time by using the machine and doing hand stitched highlights for each piece. I am still doing my hat thing and have come up with some beauties this year.

I've been trying my hand at mural painting. Started this one on my garden shed to see if I could do it. I love it. Going out to the yard with my paints I can get lost for hours. Its not done yet, got a ways to go. I have a feeling there will be murals all over our house in the future! Ill post the finished piece soon.

I've also been working on a new face elixir using all wild harvested ingredients. Wild rose petals, self heal, yarrow, wild geranium, bee balm. It smells heavenly already. It just amazes me how many beautiful and useful plants there are in the Black Hills. Last year I was learning about so many plants I had to stop because my head was going to explode. This year I'm taking it a little slower. Getting to know each plant a little more. It truly is therapy for me. The Japanese call it forest bathing. Just wandering in the woods with no real purpose or direction.

This morning I found huge patches of Saint Johns Wort. I've been using this herb for years but had never seen it growing in the wild. Its blooming all over the hills right now. I'm going to be making a tincture soon and also an oil. The tincture is good to take internally for people with mild depression or anxiety. Rubbed on the skin as an oil will relieve sore muscles.

Had my first girl party recently. Andy went on a road trip with a friend so we decided it was a good time. My friend Bryan came as the honorary representative for the guys, Bryan and Waylon of course. We had a blast. Bryan taught me how to make sushi. We laughed and ate and a good time was had by all.

I have been making lots of jewelry as well. If your in the Black Hills you can come see me at Cheyenne Crossing Weds thru Sunday. Ill be open seven days a week during the Rally which starts August 6th. You can also find my jewelry at Scott Jacobs Gallery on Main street in Deadwood and Jewels of the West in Hill City. Eventually once things slow down I will be loading up the website shop.

If you can make it to the studio there are lots of camisoles, hats, leather garb, jewelry of course, Damascus and locally made knives, Bella Blue botanicals, beautiful camping blankets and more things you can imagine that would fit in my little shop!

If your lucky you might even see Waylon covered in children! Alright I've rambled on enough. Now its time for some music. Maria Frantz is one of the members of Heilung. Love her whole vibe not to mention her beautiful voice!

Was listening to this one yesterday. A great rendition of Cortez the Killer by Warren Hayes and Dave Mathews.

Ok last one. Some friends recommended this guy. He actually played in Spearfish recently. An amazing player to be sure Jalan Crossland.

OK , I guess that's it for now. Some words of wisdom from this old hippy. Stay positive no matter what happens and love is always the right answer. Blessings.
